Getting Hacked: What it Means, and How to Avoid It

Remember back when the internet was such a novelty that Hollywood could produce a movie, like 1995’s Hackers, which invited us all to cheer on the rollerblading, anti-establishment protagonists as they fight the system by guessing people’s passwords? We’ve come a long way from that super-stylized portrayal of the internet, but unfortunately hackers (the real…

Quick Fixes for Maximizing your Internet Speed

We’ve all been there… you’re downloading a large email attachment, watching an important video, or maybe even loading a simple web page, and your browser shows the spinning loading wheel. You’ve got a good connection–why did things slow down? It’s a simple question that could have a range of answers. Benefitting from managed IT services…

5 Ways to Avoid Data Disasters

Whether you are a full-time freelancer or entrepreneur on the go, your hard work — all the files and data you complete for your client / own business — is at risk. It could be one spilled coffee on your laptop or one client who saves over the only copy of a file you sent them. Anything could destroy your…