
Getting Hacked: What it Means, and How to Avoid It

Remember back when the internet was such a novelty that Hollywood could produce a movie, like 1995’s Hackers, which invited us all to cheer on the rollerblading, anti-establishment protagonists as they fight the system by guessing people’s passwords? We’ve come a long way from that super-stylized portrayal of the internet, but unfortunately hackers (the real ones) have too.

Nowadays, hacking is so commonplace that nobody thinks it’s cool or counterculture; it’s become a frustrating and serious threat to your business, causing headaches and even hurting your profits. One essential aspect of IT support for Orange County businesses is mitigating the threat of hackers.

What’s the worst that could happen?

When your site gets hacked, you can experience a loss of visitors, and annoyingly, a loss of time while you work to get it back up and running. But the consequences don’t stop there. Costly hacks like this can hurt your SEO rankings, and could even get you blacklisted on certain anti-virus software sites.

If you use your site for eCommerce, the risk is more acute. If a hacker takes down your website, you can experience a real loss in sales, and possibly visitor identity theft, which can result in a ruined reputation for your brand, in addition to loss in revenue.

What exactly do hackers do?

Some of the most common types of hacking for small businesses are as follows:

Hacks are a continual threat, but there are many ways to mitigate the risks. Here are a few:

These few precautions, truth be told, are just the tip of the iceberg. If you’re in need of a secure network, having IT support in Orange County can be the difference between the company that gets hacked, and the company that is safe.

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